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Nouvelles du commerce

Visite client – Accueillir les clients étrangers pour visiter et inspecter notre entreprise sur place!

Depuis 2023, des clients du monde entier ont visité et inspecté notre entreprise les uns après les autres.

Accompagné du service du commerce extérieur et du personnel technique, the customer visited the company’s warehouse, workshop, and equipment, and had a detailed exchange on the company’s strength, development plan, and product technical requirements.

Foreign customers have very strict requirements for product accessories and technology. After the visit, the customer gave our company a high evaluation. This visit and inspection allowed us to experience our mature technology and strong strength, and then had a detailed communication with our foreign trade department about cooperation!

I hope this inspection will bring good development to both parties, win-win cooperation, and work together to create new brilliance in our business. We warmly welcome more domestic and foreign customers to visit our company for inspection!



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